Saturday, May 19, 2018

Bill Introduced For Communist Holiday In Commiefornia

The Looney Left Report

"It's a MADHOUSE!" So cried Charlton Heston's character, Taylor, in the science-fiction classic, The Planet of the Apes (1968).

And so it is in the People's Republic of Commiefornia, which is what the radical left-wing Democrats have turned California's government into. Each time a wacko action is taken by the Democrats, the more glad I am for leaving Commiefornia.

Here's the latest in Democrat lunacy (from Breitbart):
A Democrat California assemblyman introduced a bill seeking to make “May Day,” or International Workers Day, a state holiday that would replace President George Washington’s or President Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. 
Assemblyman Miguel Santiago’s (D-Los Angeles) legislation calls for consolidating the two presidents’ birthdays to be observed on the third Monday in February as a single “President’s Day” holiday, but it also calls for the state to observe May 1 as “International Workers Day.” 
International Workers Day, also known as “May Day,” had been observed in countries under Communism for decades and was designated as an official holiday of the Soviet Union. 
But not everyone in the California Assembly was on board with replacing a president’s birthday with a holiday steeped in communist roots. 
“Are we in competition to become the laughingstock of the United States?” Assemblyman Matthew Harper (R-Huntington Beach) asked in a floor speech Thursday. “This is ridiculous. This is insane.”

It is actually not too surprising that this bill was introduced by Assemblyman Miguel Santiago. He's a well-known leftist lunatic.

The lunacy is not just confined to Democrats in Commiefornia, the whole Democrat Party is radicalized.

As Rush Limbaugh put it the other day:
The problem is that the Democrat Party is being California-ized. The Democrat Party is becoming unabashedly, no attempt to disguise it whatsoever, full-throated socialist. 
There is no Democrat Party, or there soon will not be a Democrat Party of your youth, and certainly not the Democrat Party of your parents. It is trending full-throttle socialism, and it doesn’t stop at socialism. Communism never stops at socialism, or socialism doesn’t stop until it gets to communism, and that’s where they are headed. The Democrat Party is being taken over by pure, undiluted, raw socialists. 
They are winning primaries. They are determining the Democrat Party agenda. They have taken over California. California has already gone in that direction. California’s lost. There is no Democrat Party of old in California. It’s full-fledged radical and on the border of insane socialism.


To read more, go here

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