Tuesday, May 8, 2018

"Elvis Presley: The Seacher" Soundtrack CD Reviewed

There are two soundtrack collections of CDs of "Elvis Presley: The Searcher". They were used in the documentary now being shown on HBO.

I had already posted about the three-CD deluxe edition. Entertainment Focus has posted a review of the 18-track CD. I have both sets. I am keeping the deluxe edition in the house and the 18-track CD in The Beast (for those of you who don't regularly follow this blog, that's my Winnebago).

The review begins with:
Elvis Presley is an artist whose work and influence on music has been celebrated countless times over the years. He’s the true embodiment of a legend and his music will continue to be talked about, possibly for the rest of time. Award-winning film-maker Thom Zimney has taken a new look at Presley’s growth as an artist in his three-hour two-part film Elvis Presley: The Searcher. The film aired on HBO in the US last month and a soundtrack for it has been released across a variety of formats. This review looks at the 18-track CD version of the soundtrack. 
Elvis Presley: The Searcher – The Original Soundtrack takes 18 essential tracks used in the film and they are a mix of live performances, hits and rare alternative versions of some of Presley’s best songs. The set opens with a live performance of Trouble/Guitar Man showcasing the blusier side of Presley’s repertoire. It really is a fantastic start to the soundtrack and Presley is in fine vocal form.

To read the full review, go here.

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