Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Gov. George Deukmejian Dies At 89

Above, Gov. George Deukmejian at the H. L. Hunt estate in Dallas, Texas in 1984. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Sad news has come from California.

Former Governor George Deukmejian, the last really decent governor of California, has died of age 89. (I was not a fan of Pete Wilson, who succeeded Deukmejian.)

According to the Los Angeles Times:
George Deukmejian, a perennially popular two-term Republican governor of California who built his career on fighting crime, hardening the state's criminal justice stance and shoring up its leaky finances, died on Tuesday. He was 89 years old. 
Deukmejian, who was elected governor in 1982 and 1986, died at his home in Long Beach, according to a statement from his family. 
During his many years of public service, including 16 years as a state legislator and four as state attorney general, Deukmejian sponsored the successful "use a gun, go to prison" bill, oversaw development of a workfare program for welfare recipients and negotiated with the Democrat-controlled Legislature to create an $18.5-billion, 10-year transportation plan.

During the 1984 Republican National Convention, the California Delegation (of which I was a part of) was hosted at a party at the H. L. Hunt estate in Dallas, Texas. Governor Deukmejian was presented with a cowboy hat and a pair of cowboy boots.

To read more, go here

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