Sunday, May 6, 2018

Liberals Are Also Ruining Seattle

Above, the city of Seattle with Mt. Rainier in the background haze. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It's funny. A friend recently said that I was full of "bitterness" over California after I gave him a joking poke. He got all upset over it. (Proving once again that liberals have no sense of humor.) Others knew right away I was joking.

It is interesting that he should accuse me of being "bitter" over California, yet he constantly posts anti-Trump tirades or attacks deceased Republican presidents in a Facebook post about the Kentucky Derby.

I am not "bitter" about California. I am just sad and disgusted with over what it has become. I am not alone in this sentiment. There are others in other places.

California is not alone in being ruined by leftist lunatics. A professional science writer wrote an op-ed at the Seattle Times that liberals have also ruined the city of Seattle.

Begins with:
I KNEW Seattle was no longer a place for me when I met with Debora Juarez — the District 5 City Council member I had voted for. 
Last September, at what I thought was going to be a friendly one-on-one meeting between an elected official and her constituent, I expressed some concerns that were on my mind. I fretted over the deterioration of a city with which I had fallen in love — a city that, despite my 21 trips to Europe, I still believe to be the most beautiful in the world.

I told my council member that Northgate, my home, had seen a noticeable increase in litter and graffiti. To my dismay, she seemed to suggest these issues were someone else’s job, not hers. So, I moved on to a bigger issue: homelessness.

This should floor you:
I believe strongly that it is not compassionate to leave people who are unable or unwilling to care for themselves to suffer and die on the street. Because many (but certainly not all) homeless people struggle with mental illness or drug addiction, I suggested that Seattle find a way to make it easier to provide treatment to these troubled souls — involuntarily, if need be. It could literally save their lives. 
Juarez exclaimed, “What is this? Nazi Germany?”

Yep, trying to talk sense to liberals is about like trying to talk sense to a rabid dog. They are impervious to logic.

To read more, go here.

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