Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Meanwhile, In Albuquerque...

Above, The Beast at the Route 66 Casino RV Resort. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Well, I made it to Albuquerque (was there any doubt?) to get a couple of things done.

Along the way, I stopped off at the Sky City Casino for breakfast. They had an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet for $7.00. Not bad!

The Sky City Casino was nice, but I wasn't impressed with what I saw of their RV park.

Above, the Sky City Casino. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

First, was to get a haircut. Second, to get a building permit for the RV garage on the second acre.

The first was done with no problem as my cutter, Michelle, was waiting for me (I called in after checking in at the Route 66 Casino RV Resort).

Above, interesting architecture. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Then, after that was done, I headed over to the State of New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department, Construction Industries.

That was in interesting experience. I walked up to the service desk and was told that all kinds of papers have to be submitted along with plans, specs and other technical data. To submit such documentation, I would be charged $535 from the carport company.

Then, the clincher! They told me it was not my job to submit the application and documentatio, it is the duty of the builder to submit everything. I was told that this particular company was told this some time ago. Essentially, New Mexico does things differently.

I then got on the phone with the corporate office of the carport company and told my contact there what the state told me. He tried to tell me otherwise, but I told him to talk to Mr. Roybal, the Architectural Compliance Officer Plan Reviewer and handed the phone to him.

Above, inside the Sky City Casino. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Mr. Roybal told the carport company what they have to do. During a break in the conversation, Roybal told me that if they refuse to comply, they can have their license pulled.

So, the ball is in their court. I was c.c.'d with an email between the carport company and Roybal. If there's anything I have to do, I can do it electronically and not have to make another trek to Albuquerque.

Now, I am just relaxing at the Route 66 RV Resort outside of Albuquerque. I will likely have dinner at the Thunder Road Steakhouse & Cantina in the casino tonight and head home tomorrow morning. There may be rain later today in Albuquerque.

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