Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Met Another Neighbor

Above, the neighbor I met today lives in the home at left. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Finally, I've met another neighbor of mine.

His name is Bo and lives in a white house across the road from me. We haven't met until now because they were either gone somewhere for days or the weather was too cold and snowy for outside roaming around. He was out getting rid of Russian thistles (he calls them "alligators" because, as he said, they'll get you with their thorns).

He's another retiree (used to deliver piping) down in El Paso and has lived in Jamestown since 2006. He used to work near Roswell and said that the town gets very crowded during their UFO Festivals. He said that the location of the UFO crash is not the actual one (says the actual location is closer to Corona). They locals there, he said, just claim the location that's marked is for the tourists.

He recommended the Badlands Grill steakhouse in Gallup.

I gave him an open invitation to come on over for a beer.

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