Sunday, May 27, 2018

New Mexico Primary Election Day June 5

Above, the Whispering Cedars Fire Station, the location of my polling place. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Like Commiefornia (i.e., California), New Mexico's primary election day is Tuesday, June 5.

One of the first things I did after moving to New Mexico was to register to vote. Our polling place is at the Whispering Cedars Fire Station.

One thing I noticed in New Mexico is that some Democrat candidates for such offices as County Sheriff and others that are usually non-partisan, have their party affiliation on their campaign signs. Frankly, the way the Democrats have been behaving since the 2016 election, I don't see this as any help to their campaigns. This may result in a "red wave". We shall see.

People, quite frankly, would be crazy to vote for a Democrat for any law enforcement-related position since they corrupted the U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI, essentially turning them into the KGB. Also, the Democrat Party has been taken over by radical leftists. There are no traditional Democrats left like Henry "Scoop" Jackson, Sam Nunn, JFK and others.

Thus far, I have met the Republican candidate for New Mexico U.S. Senator, Mick Rich. He will face the Democrat incumbent in November since he's running unopposed.

This election should prove to be very interesting!

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