Saturday, May 12, 2018

The Garage Is Getting There

Above, the boxes on the left contain stuff I am keeping. The ones on the right are to be disposed. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

There's an old saying, "You never know how much sh*t you have until you move!"

My experience seems to bear that out.

However, since most everything has been unpacked except for a half dozen boxes, I have a bunch of boxes that got too thrashed during the move to be worth saving.

Above, the garage as it stands today. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Now that the weather has turned warmer here, I've been getting rid of those boxes. I've made enough progress to be able to park the Mustang inside. The Mustang never had a garage to be parked in until now.

The boxes that came through the move okay have been folded and neatly stacked in a corner.

Above, the Waste Management container with Tuesday's load. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Unfortunately, I only have a single trash container from Waste Management to dispose of them in. So far, I got rid of one container load of boxes and have another load ready to be picked up this coming Tuesday (that's trash day here).

Above, a view from the front. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I figure it will take about two more weeks of trash pick-ups before all of the thrashed boxes are gone.

I am determined not to have a garage like my dad's "legendary" garages where it was difficult to walk in. Twice, as I recall, it was easier to pack up and move things from our homes in Los Angeles and Hawthorne than my dad's garages. When my mom sold the Hawthorne house after my dad passed, she rented a big dumpster to dump everything that was in the garage.

Above, I have a work table and heater (don't know if it works) in the garage. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I was thinking about burning the boxes, but I don't have a yard fire pit yet.

In any case, we're getting there!

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