Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Yellowstone Visitation Slightly Down

Above, the Yellowstone River. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It has been reported that visitor numbers at Yellowstone National Park for the early part of this year is down, in comparison to last year.

According to the Bozeman Daily Chronicle:
Fewer people went to Yellowstone National Park this past April than in 2017, marking the second consecutive year in which the month’s visitation declined. 
The park’s statisticians counted 37,766 recreational visits for the month, a 16 percent drop from 2017’s total of 45,160. April’s highest total came in 2016, when 59,253 visits were counted. 
For the year, the park has counted 123,949 visits. That’s a slight lag behind 2017, which had recorded a little more than 130,000 visits by this point.

Yellowstone's busy season usually begins in May.

To read more, go here

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