Friday, June 1, 2018

10 Best National Parks In The U.S.

Above, The Phantom Ship at Crater Lake National Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Summer vacation season is only weeks away and people wondering what are the best national parks to visit can take a look at an article Money posted on what they see as the ten best.

The article begins with:
From swampy marshes to soaring canyons, from pristine glaciers to scorching deserts, America’s national parks encompass nearly every possible ecosystem and offer a world away from the everyday hustle and bustle. 
The 60 official national parks form a vast system that collectively spans 84 million acres, and was visited over 331 million times last year alone. But with such a plethora of options, it can difficult to pick just one to visit for any given vacation. 
To help with that, MONEY teamed up with Kayak to price out how much it would cost to visit each of the parks this summer—a tab that covers round-trip airfare, a week’s worth of hotel rooms, plus a car rental, meals, and park entrance fees. From there, MONEY reviewed what each park had to offer—from activities to scenery—and ranked them based on which were primed to deliver the highest value for your dollar. 
Each of the top 10 parks are packed with must-do experiences and amenities but at prices that, relatively speaking, make them a steal. 
Read on to discover which of the national parks should be at the top of your to-do list this year.

To read more, go here

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