Wednesday, June 13, 2018

3 Californias: Who Gets Yosemite?

Above, an early morning view of Yosemite Valley. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The ballot proposition asking voters whether to split California into three states will be on the November ballot.

But one wonders, "What state gets what?" Who gets Big Sur? Who gets Yosemite? Who gets Disneyland?

The Mercury News has an article that answers those questions.

They begin with:
I’ll trade you a piece of Yosemite Valley and all of the Napa wine country for Disneyland and the Santa Monica Pier. 
For the first time since before the Civil War, California voters will decide this November whether to spilt the Golden State into three entities, dubbed California, Northern California and Southern California. An initiative to divide the state, pushed by Silicon Valley venture capital investor Tim Draper, received enough signatures to qualify it for the November ballot. Supporters say splitting the state would lead to improvements in infrastructure and education while lowering taxes. 
But the idea’s passage is a long shot at best: voters polled overwhelmingly disapprove of the idea; and even if the measure does pass in November, the proposal must still be approved by Congress.

To read more, go here

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