Wednesday, June 27, 2018

"Adventures of Superman" Plaque Relocated

Above, the Superman plaque during the time I picked it up from Angel Memorials in Mission Hills. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Back in March, I was told about the re-landscaping of the area where the Adventures of Superman plaque was placed by the property owner, Chris Sanz-Agero. The plaque is located in Tarzana, California.

He wrote:
I want to inform you so you don’t drive by and panic.  While landscaping we discovered the beautiful Superman plaque was not anchored to any base making it susceptible to theft.  You can see from the below photo that it was only anchored to a thin 1 inch concrete base.   
We have thus removed it for safekeeping.  We are having a contractor pour a substantial concrete base which it will be securely anchored. It will return in all its glory in approximately one month.  
Take care my friend, 
Chris, Jenna & Cisco
(“The Superman House”).  
PS: Cisco knows how special the plaque is and his signed comic book.  His loves for giant monster movies is growing and he named his new dog “Kaiju.” 
Above, the plaque and the old concrete base. Photo courtesy of Chris Sanz-Agero.

I replied with my thanks and offered to help financially with the costs of re-anchoring the plaque. When the concrete was poured, it seemed like more than an inch. Apparently, the weight of the plaque compressed it down. It was very heavy granite.

The photo below from Chris shows where the plaque had been relocated:

(Since then, I had completely forgotten all about Chris's email until I saw a photo of the plaque on Facebook.)

I hadn't heard anything further on the plaque until Superman fan Fabio Marques paid a visit to the plaque on the 59th anniversary of the death of George Reeves on June 16, 2018. 

He posted on Facebook:
On last June 16th, I was in South California, so I drove to Tarzana to honor George Reeves on the 59th Anniversary of his death. Thanks Jim Nolt and all the involved on this plaque, you made possible for me, a fan from Brazil to be able to celebrate the cast of the Adventures of Superman.
And, he posted this photo of himself and the plaque in its new location:

Above, Fabio Marques with the plaque.

From Fabio's photo, the plaque looks great at its new location!

Just for a "stroll down Memory Lane", here's a photo of Cisco and Jack Larson while Jack autographed a Jimmy Olsen page in Cisco's comic book:

Above, Cisco Sanz-Agero watches as Jack Larson autographs his comic book. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A big "thank-you to Fabio Marques for the photo of the plaque!

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