Sunday, June 24, 2018

Bad Reviews of Utah's Iconic Destinations

Above, The Narrows in Zion National Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

There's an old saying, "You can't please everybody!"

Such is the case with some reviews of Utah's national parks. While most rate the parks high (5-star and 4-star), some people were not too impressed and wrote bad reviews for varying, some of them silly, reasons.

From the St. George News:
ST. GEORGE — Southern Utah is famous for its bright red cliffs, winding slot canyons and spectacular landmarks many of which adorn the backs of postcards in gift shops. But among the millions of tourists who visit Utah each year to check some national parks off their bucket lists or take pictures for Instagram, there are a few people who didn’t have anything nice to say about some of Southern Utah’s most iconic outdoor destinations.

To see them, go here

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