Friday, June 22, 2018

Osaka Travelers Cancel Bookings, Spooked By Quake

Above, yours truly at Osaka Castle in 2015. 

The Osaka earthquake on Monday has spooked tourism for that city. Tourists have been canceling room bookings.

I really can't say I blame them. The quake was roughly as powerful as the 1994's Northridge Earthquake that I experienced.

But, if there are aftershocks, they will diminish in intensity as time goes on, just like Northridge. (The Los Angeles area is overdue for a major quake. It has been over 24 years since the Northridge Earthquake, which came 23 years after the Sylmar Earthquake in 1971.)

According to The Japan Times:
Monday morning’s deadly earthquake in Osaka has affected tourism in the region, with travelers at home and overseas canceling bookings in the affected areas. 
At least four people were killed and hundreds more injured in the quake. 
The operator of a hotel in central Kyoto said Tuesday that the quake has cost the firm some ¥4.4 million following cancellations of bookings for about 300 rooms. The reservations included several school trips to the city that had been planned this week. The hotel has 408 rooms. 
“We’re operating as usual, but many people fear for their safety because Osaka and Takatsuki (the site of the quake’s epicenter) are nearby,” said a staffer who requested his name be withheld. “I hope everything will get back to normal within a week, but reports about damage in the area have been hurting (the business) more than I thought.”

One good thing about Japan. Their building codes and technology was a great help in keeping casualties very low in Osaka Prefecture.

To read more, go here.

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