Saturday, June 23, 2018

Restaurant Trump Hater and Sarah Huckabee Sanders

We are in a "soft" civil war. We are that divided. Sarah Sanders kicked out of a restaurant is just an example of how we are at each other's throats. - Former Talk Show Host David Gold.

The lunacy of the Left is getting worse and more pathetic. Trump Derangement Syndrome is on the menu at a Lexington, Virgina restaurant.

The Daily Mail (U.K) reported:
Sarah Sanders has slammed the manager of a Virginia restaurant who refused to serve her and seven family members on Friday night, saying: 'Her actions say far more about her than about me'.  
The White House Press Secretary tweeted on Saturday morning that she 'politely left' The Red Hen in Lexington after it was made clear she was not welcome 'because I work for POTUS'. 
Sanders has received intense criticism over recent days as one of the most public defenders of President Trump's now reversed policy to separate migrant children from their families.

Former White House press secretary re-tweeted:
Ari Fleischer

More Ari Fleischer Retweeted Brennan Gilmore
I guess we’re heading into an America with Democrat-only restaurants, which will lead to Republican-only restaurants. Do the fools who threw Sarah out, and the people who cheer them on, really want us to be that kind of country?

 Anyone who approves of such uncouth behavior is an asshole. Pure and simple.

To read more (with videos), go here.

The restaurant: Red Hen: 540-464-4401

11 E. Washington St | Lexington, VA 24450

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