Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Trump Retaliates Against De Niro

The Looney Left Report

More evidence of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) reared its ugly head the other night at the Tony Awards when actor Robert De Niro used an "F-bomb" against President Donald Trump.

However, Trump retaliated against De Niro today on Twitter.

AOL reported:
President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Tuesday to reciprocate a war of words with the actor Robert De Niro, after De Niro chastised Trump in multiple public appearances in the past few days.  
De Niro, who has been an outspoken critic of Trump since the 2016 presidential election, said "f--- Trump" on stage at the Tony Awards Sunday night, and received a standing ovation. On Tuesday, De Niro apologized for "the idiotic behavior of my president" in a speech at the groundbreaking of a restaurant in Toronto, CNN reported. 
Hours later, Trump addressed the actor in a tweet. 
"Robert De Niro, a very Low IQ individual, has received to [sic] many shots to the head by real boxers in movies. I watched him last night and truly believe he may be “punch-drunk.” I guess he doesn’t...," Trump tweeted, "...realize the economy is the best it’s ever been with employment being at an all time high, and many companies pouring back into our country. Wake up Punchy!"

Talk about "idiotic behavior"!

To read more, go here

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