Sunday, June 17, 2018

Why do casinos drill holes in their dice and cards?

Above, some of the playing cards I received last night. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When I attended the Gallup Lions Club Rodeo last evening, I took a Lions Club survey. For taking the survey, I was given a gift bag as a thank-you.

Inside the bag, among other things, was a deck of playing cars from the Sky City Casino. Each card, along with the pack, a hole was drilled.

I thought this would be a good topic: Why do casinos drill holes in their dice and cards?

The reason is obvious (I've know this for years).

From Good Gambling Sites:
Have you ever bought a pack of playing cards or a pair of dice from a casino? 
If so, you’ll notice that they’ve been altered in some way. The most common alternations made to playing cards consist of cutting the corners of the cards, marking the corners, drilling a hole in the centers of the cards, or marking and cutting the corners of the cards.
For dice they simply drill a hole directly through the center. 
There is only one reason why the casinos deface their playing cards and dice: 
To prevent players from sneaking them into live dealer games.

To read more, go here

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