Monday, July 16, 2018

Albuquerque La Mesa RV and Camping World

Above, La Mesa RV in Albuquerque. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Last week, I had to take Jess to the Albuquerque Airport for her return home. I stayed overnight at the Route 66 RV Resort so that I could bring The Beast in for service at the La Mesa RV dealership a few miles away.

I had set an appointment for service two weeks prior for 11:00. I got there a little big early, when worked out great as another customer was late for his appointment.

After checking in with Monte, I waited in their waiting area near the service counter. It consists of a number of small tables and chairs with free Wi-Fi. They have free water, coffee and popcorn for waiting customers. They also have a small supply store near the waiting area.

It is well-known by RV enthusiasts that some RV dealers refuse to service RVs of people who hadn't bought their rigs at that dealership or they are put at the end of line in favor their purchasers. Fortunately for me, I bought The Beast at the San Diego La Mesa RV, so I am considered a purchaser at their Albuquerque location and I am in their database.

Above, the Albuquerque Camping World on Route 66. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The service work was done within two hours after my arrival and I plan on going back next month to fix a problem with the awning (a leaning telephone pole "rubbed" against the awning as I was parallel parking a few years ago and I didn't see it, and that part of the awning is now separating a little thanks to the wind). The work didn't cost an arm and a leg, for which I am grateful.

Before going to La Mesa RV, I stopped in at the nearby (about a half mile away on Route 66) Camping World to browse and pick up a couple of things. The store is nicely laid out and merchandise is easy to find.

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