Saturday, July 14, 2018

Best Storm So Far

Above, the storm was directly overhead. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It was a good thing that I barbecued my t-bone steak when I did, because about 45 minutes after finishing dinner, a thunderstorm rolled into the area and cut loose with downpours, lightning and thunderclaps for hours.

Above, the yard getting well watered during a downpour. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Actually, I enjoyed the "light show" the lightning provided. Sierra didn't appreciate it at all.

The water from the storm was welcome in the area as the winter did not provide much water. Drought conditions exist.

Above, watching The Quiet Man during a downpour. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It had been predicted the New Mexico will have a good monsoon season and, so far, the prediction is coming true.

As for me, when I wasn't out watching the lightning, I was inside watching The Quiet Man.

More thunderstorms are expected this afternoon.

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