Thursday, July 19, 2018

CNN's #WalkAway Fake News

CNN, the Counterfeit News Network, doesn't give up and they never learn their lesson on spewing fake news.

The latest is claiming that the #WalkAway movement of liberals leaving the Democrat Party is by Russian bots.

According to the Washington Times:
The #WalkAway movement that began in May with hairstylist Brandon Straka explaining why he was leaving the Democratic Party has sprung into a national force, with tens of thousands of reformed, former Dems taking to social media to explain why they, too, think liberalism has gone off the deep end and why they, too, have turned the corner toward conservatism — or at least, toward free thought. 
And apparently, liberals are beginning to shake in their boots about the growing effect of #WalkAway. 
They need a counter-punch. And fast. 
Enter CNN with this headline: “Russian bots are using #WalkAway to try to wound Dems in midterms.”

Uh-huh, right.

To read more, go here

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