Tuesday, July 17, 2018

ECV In Roswell?

Above, yours truly at the Roswell sign. Photo by Jess.

I don't know why I didn't think of this before. But looking at some of my Roswell trip photos with me in a Clamper red shirt got the cogs turning.

I posted this at the E Clampus Vitus Facebook page:
Roswell would be an ideal place for a clampout. We can erect a plaque either in town or (better yet) at the crash site. New Mexico is Lost Dutchman Chapter's territory. There are plenty of ranches in the area for clamp-sites.

If we can find some friendly rancher to allow the Lost Dutchman Chapter to use his land for a clampsite, and get permission to erect a plaque, this would be one interesting event.


At this time, my posting at the ECV Facebook page has 72 likes. It looks like the brethren are in favor of a Roswell clampout.

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