Friday, July 27, 2018

First Night In Wells

Above, The Beast at Mountain Shadows RV Park. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

It was a nice warm night in Wells, Nevada. We had some brief thundershowers during the night, but it is clear this morning.

My "base of operations" is at the Mountain Shadows RV Park in Wells. It is a short walk to the city park where much of the Wells Fun Run car show will be held, beginning this afternoon.

Above, Mountain Shadows RV Park in Wells, Nevada. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Mitch is over at the Super 8 Motel. To be quite blunt, it is a dive and even he said that it went downhill from a year ago. After he checked in, we went over to his room and it was not yet ready for occupancy. The mattresses were stained badly. At least with RV travel, one's own DNA is in the bedding, not hundreds of other's. I've seen better on Sepulveda Blvd. in Van Nuys, California (not known for upscale hotels and motels) during my armed patrol days. Oh, well.

There are a couple of brothels about a half mile away up the road. I don't know of anyone who is partaking in these establishments, but I did see several cars in their parking lots. Cash and carry, as J.R. Ewing used to say.

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