Friday, July 20, 2018

Got Pot?

Above, the Navajo pot I picked up today in Continental Divide. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today has been a relaxing day without anything in particular on the agenda. Such is life in retirement in general.

It started out with hanging out with four fellow residents of the Jamestown community. We met up at Denny's Restaurant at the Flying J. The group usually has their "breakfast club" meet-up about 5-6 days a week.

We were later joined by another member of the community (who is also another fairly recent California transplant) and his wife. I am getting to know more people here than I did in Tarzana. They are all nice people and we're all in the same age group.

Following the gathering, I headed over to the post office and had a package waiting for me. From there, I brought The Beast over to a gas pump and filled up its gas tank.

I decided to head over to Ortega's Indian Market at the Continental Divide (only 8 miles away). There, I picked up a small Navajo pottery item that was marked down 40%. I put it up on the landing that divides the kitchen and the living room. The space cried out for something. I will be on the lookout a larger piece of Navajo pottery to put with it.

We're supposed to be getting another thunderstorm later this afternoon. It is hot and humid right now.

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