Sunday, July 1, 2018

How To Cope With Western National Park Crowds

Above, Old Faithful Geyser erupts. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

We're now in July, which is the busiest month during the summer vacation season at some of our western national parks.

How does one cope with the crowds?

The Los Angeles Times has an article how to cope with the crowds in national parks in the west.

They begin with:
What if the entire population of the United States decided to visit America’s national parks? 
In essence, it did. 
In 2017 the parks welcomed 331 million people, almost the exact population of the U.S. 
No wonder last summer Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks sometimes felt like teeming cities, with all the crowding, traffic and frustration that comes with living in a metropolis. 
Welcome to July, the busiest month of the year for many of our national parks. 
It’s easy to tell complainers to visit the marquee parks in the off-season or go to the less-visited parks. But many people can undertake a road trip only in the summer months. Although many of less-visited sites are spectacular, there’s only one Yellowstone and one Grand Teton.

To read more, go here

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