Friday, July 13, 2018

JNTO: 13 Cool Things To Do In Tokyo in the Morning

Above, the Tokyo Skytree. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

What is an early riser to do if he/she is in Tokyo? Is there anything open or just available to see and do in the early morning hours?

Fortunately, there is and the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) has 13 of them listed. I've done two of them.

One of the 13 is an early morning visit to the Tokyo Skytree. It opens at 8:00.

They begin their article with:
Tokyo is a not a friend to the early riser – or the jetlagged. On my recent trip, I woke up every morning around 5 am and, after a couple of hours enjoying lounging about, I was raring to explore this exciting city – but, nothing, it seemed, was open much before 11 am. Until I started looking more closely, and realised there is actually a lot to do in Tokyo before breakfast. So, here’s my guide to early morning Tokyo…

To see what the other 12 items are, go here.

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