Monday, July 9, 2018

Kyoto Experiencing Overcrowded Sites and Packed Buses

Above, visitors pack the stage at Kyoto's Kiyomizu-dera. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Japan has been seeing the fruits on increased foreign tourism into the country for the past several years.

But this comes at a cost in some parts of the country.

The Japan Times reported:
OSAKA – The city of Kyoto once again saw record levels of tourists in 2017, with 15.57 million foreign and Japanese visitors spending at least one night in the former capital, city officials said Wednesday. 
But both foreign and domestic visitors continued to complain about overcrowded tourist sites and traffic jams, while an increasing number of Japanese said the bad manners of foreign tourists on the streets and on buses and subways was a negative aspect of their trip there, according to the city. 
The total number of visitors to Kyoto last year, including overnight visitors and day trippers, was 53.6 million, a 2.9 percent decrease compared to 2016. Foreign visitors spending at least one night at registered Kyoto hotels and inns accounted for 3.53 million of that total, up 11 percent from 2016. 
Visitors from Asia accounted for 58.8 percent of foreign tourists who stayed in Kyoto in 2017, while 17.1 percent came from Europe and 10.9 percent were from North America. 
Overall, 84.8 percent of foreign visitors to Japan in 2017 were from Asia, while only 3.7 percent were from Europe and 5.9 percent from North America.

To read more, go here

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