Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Made It Back Home...Alive!

Above, on the grounds of the Painted Desert Indian Center. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After a harrowing week (or at least the past four days), I made it home to Jamestown, New Mexico this afternoon.

The last six miles were slow going on Interstate 40 as a big rig rear-ended a semi's trailer that drove the trailer's corner into the cab of the truck. If the driver didn't jump out of the way, he would be a goner. I saw no blood, so I am assuming he made it out.

I took it easy during the drive home. I used the cruise control of The Beast and stopped for breaks roughly every two hours. The last one was at the Painted Desert Indian Center near Holbrook, Arizona.

There must've been a lot of rain while I was gone. The yard is covered in green. But I am not going to do anything about the weeds for a while.

For the next few days, I am going to take it easy.

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