Saturday, July 7, 2018

Roswell UFO Festival - Day Two

Above, one of many UFO-oriented shops in Roswell. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Today, Jess and I spent around three hours roaming the UFO Festival. I think we were well spent from yesterday. With the rains last night, it was quite humid outside and warm. The "cow flies" were a nuisance. They are very agressive and are from the dairies in the area. Both of us were on the "worn out" side from yesterday.

We tried to take in some lectures, but they were either moved to other venues or they were too far to walk to. The festival would benefit greatly if Roswell had a convention center or a large hotel (like the Crowne Plaza Hotel near Chicago's O'Hare Airport where G-FEST is held) were all the lectures and panels could be held in meeting rooms in one central location. The UFO Festival is spread out over many blocks and, sometimes, miles away ("scattered" is the best way to put it).

There is one conclusion that this trip made me come to: I need a motor scooter (that seats two, at least) to get around in. Roswell has limited public transportation and we had to either walk or rely on taxi cabs to get from the RV park to the festival. I had to leave the RV at the RV park so Sierra has air conditioning. Previously, I've made use of private tour companies and park shuttles (who pick up passengers at campgrounds).

Above, a humorous Roswell t-shirt. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

We did manage to try out some freshly-made potato chips, which were very good.

We noticed bigger lines at the UFO Museum today than yesterday. It was a good thing we toured it on Thursday.

Still, the UFO Festival was fun to attend and we were glad we attended.

This was the first year that guided tours (by bus) to the 1947 UFO crash site were offered. The starting price: $65. It is my opinion that they'd have more "takers" if the price was lowered to around $30. They'd make a lot more by the increased numbers of people. But, as I said, that is just my opinion.

By the way, it appears that this sign that a vendor was selling was sold as it was no longer at their booth:

Tomorrow is going to be a long drive, about 320 miles to get to Jamestown. Fortunately, the roads are good and there's plenty to see along the way.

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