Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Santa Barbara Threatens Waiters With Jail For Giving Out Straws

The control freaks in Commiefornia are getting worse and worse by the day.

The latest is in Santa Barbara.

Newswars reported:
Santa Barbara, Calif., is threatening waiters with jail if they offer straws to customers. 
The city recently banned plastic straws from restaurants, bars and other food establishments in what officials claim is an environmental crackdown through the use of social engineering. 
“Prohibiting the provision of plastic beverage straws, and restricting the provision of plastic stirrers and cutlery in connection to cases where the customer requests the items will initiate a change in consumer behavior and will further serve the City’s goal of reducing plastic litter,” the city states.

Waiters will be given a written warning on the first offense, but on the second offense they will receive “fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), imprisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months,” according to the city’ municipal code.

No, this is not a joke. This was even discussed today on the Rush Limbaugh Show.

The lunacy in Commiefornia seems to have no limits!

To read more, go here.

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