Wednesday, July 4, 2018

USS Arizona Memorial Still Closed, Repairs Mulled

Above, the USS Arizona Memorial in 2016. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii remains closed as officials mull over how to repair the dock anchoring system.

The Los Angeles Times reported:
As the nation celebrates the Fourth of July, thousands will visit Pearl Harbor to learn about the surprise attack Japan unleashed on Dec. 7, 1941, and to pay tribute to those who lost their lives in the battle that hurled the United States into World War II. 
However, this year, tourists won’t get to set foot on one of the most revered sites here, the USS Arizona Memorial, which has been closed since May 6 over safety concerns. 
The National Park Service had hoped to reopen the site by the holiday, but it’s taken longer than anticipated to figure out how to repair the dock that allows visitors to board the memorial, which rests on pilings over the sunken battleship. The memorial is one of the most-visited tourism sites in Hawaii, and it’s unclear when it will be reopened. 
“The problem is the anchoring system that holds the dock in place has partially failed,” said Jacqueline Ashwell, the superintendent for the WWII Valor in the Pacific National Monument. 
The floating dock has been moving as much as 10 feet away from the memorial, when it’s only supposed to move about 2 feet. The dock is anchored by chains attached to concrete blocks embedded in the harbor floor, about 50 feet deep. Any repair work must be done very carefully.

To read more, go here.

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