Tuesday, July 17, 2018

When Yosemite Met Starbucks

Above, the base of Lower Yosemite Fall. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

A few months ago, a Starbucks opened in Yosemite National Park. Some hailed it, while others expressed their displeasure. A petition opposing it garnered 27,000 signatures.

Now, the park is rethinking things.

According to Capital Public Radio:
Yosemite Falls is perhaps one of the most iconic spots the park. The waterfall cascades down the mountain — twice. It’s majestic. But across the street is the Yosemite Valley Lodge, and inside is a cafe opened earlier this year that epitomizes corporate America. 
“Hello, welcome to Starbucks.” 
That’s how a barista welcomed me as I approached the counter of Yosemite’s first Starbucks. It’s next to the food court here, and while there’s no logo on the outside, inside it smells and looks very familiar. I’ve had a range of emotions about a chain opening up — but that didn’t stop me from ordering an iced vanilla latte. 
Commercialization is changing Yosemite. More than four million people visit the park every year, and its identity is changing — some say not always for the better. How can we share Yosemite with the world while not ruining it? 
The whole idea of a Starbucks made some people really mad. “I don’t feel that you should drive to Yosemite and say, ‘Oh my gosh, I’m going to go get a latte,’” said Fresno resident Kristy Page.

To read more, go here

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