Monday, August 13, 2018

Beginner's Guide To Climbing Mt. Fuji

Above, a shinkansen view of Mount Fuji. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Scaling the slopes of Mount Fuji in Japan was an easy task for Godzilla and King Kong in 1963. For the rest of us, well, it's not that easy.

However, Japan Today has posted a beginner's guide to climbing it.

It begins with:
TOKYO - If you were looking for an image to represent Japan, chances are the perfect, snow-capped cone of Mt Fuji would be high on your list. It’s not just there to admire from a distance, however. Conquering Fuji is at the top of many people’s bucket lists and with just a few weeks left in the climbing season, now is a great time to take up the challenge! 
To help you along the way, here’s our beginner’s guide to tackling this most iconic of mountains.

To read the guide, go here

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