Thursday, August 23, 2018

Democrat Outsiders Running Attack Ads Against Steve Pearce

An out-of-state Democrat political action committee (PAC) is running a television smear campaign against Republican gubernatorial candidate Steve Pearce on behalf of Democrat Michelle Lujan Gresham.

According to the Albuquerque Journal:
SANTA FE – An outside group has stirred up New Mexico’s gubernatorial race, as a political committee affiliated with the Democratic Governors Association on Tuesday launched a $275,000 television ad buy targeting Republican Steve Pearce. 
The 30-second ad, which will air in the Albuquerque market for the next several weeks, is paid for by Stronger New Mexico, an independent expenditure group that was created in February and has received funding from the DGA. 
The ad marks the first outside attack ad in this year’s New Mexico race. It claims Pearce is in the “pocket of Big Oil” and describes him as being named one of the most corrupt members of Congress a decade ago by an independent watchdog group. 
Pearce, a Hobbs resident, has received hefty campaign contributions from oil and natural gas executives – including millions of dollars in the current campaign cycle – but the corruption allegation was based at least in part on the 2003 sale of his oil field service company’s assets to a different company. 
A House ethics panel later determined that Pearce did not violate any rules during that transaction, according to, a nonprofit group.

Don't let outsiders determine who New Mexico voters elect as their next governor!

To read more, go here.

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