Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Illegal Alien Arrested For Murder Of Mollie Tibbetts

From the Daily Wire:
Law enforcement officials revealed on Tuesday that they arrested an illegal alien man and charged him with the first-degree murder of Mollie Tibbetts. 
The Associated Press was the first to report that Iowa officials confirmed that the suspect, 24-year-old Mexican national Cristhian Bahena Rivera, is being held on a federal immigration detainer since he is in the United States illegally.

To read more, go here

1 comment:

  1. And yet another week goes by with the GOP hiding under their desks in Washington hoping no one will notice they are missing from the field of battle.

    I just sent my FOURTH communication (1 phone, 3 emails) to Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy with ZERO response.

    I am a voter in his district and he could care less.
