Monday, August 27, 2018

John McCain's Pallbearers: Only 2 Republicans

It is interesting to note in the list of pallbearers for Sen. John McCain, except for Phil Gramm and Tom Ridger, no other Republicans are listed among them.

Pallbearers at McCain’s funeral in DC on Saturday will include:

—Warren Beatty
—Joe Biden
—Phil Gramm
—Michael Bloomberg
—Russ Feingold
—Carla Eudy
—Tom Ridge
—Gary Hart
—Mark Salter
—Fred Smith
—Sheldon Whitehouse
—Vladimir Kara-Murza

Actually, it really shouldn't be a surprise. McCain has been a RINO for most, if not all, of his political career. In 2008, my vote for the McCain-Palin ticket was primarily for Sarah Palin. If she wasn't chosen as McCain's running mate, I would have held my nose and voted for McCain anyway as Obama was a Marxist.

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