Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Kinkakuji or Ginkakuji? A Debate

Above, the Kinkakuji "Golden Pavilion" in Kyoto. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Suppose you are in Kyoto, Japan for a limited amount of time and you need to choose between visiting Kinkakuji or Ginkakuji. Which one should you visit?

That is the topic of a debate by Only In Japan travel experts.

According to the YouTube video:
Kyoto is Japan’s cultural capitol and home to over 2000 temples & shrines to visit, but it’s hard to know which ones to see when you only have a few days. This time, Kansai resident Kevin Riley and I debate two of the most visited zen Buddhist temples: Kinkakuji vs Ginkakuji

Here's the debate:

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