Thursday, August 30, 2018

Latest Democrat Lunacy: Boycott In-N-Out Burger

Looney Left Report

The lunacy of the Democrat Party sinks down to lower levels each day. Maybe it's time to consign them to the ash heap of history.

The latest comes from the Los Angeles Times, who report that the chairman of the California Democratic Party, the big lunatic himself, has called for a boycott of In-N-Out Burger. In-N-Out and Tommy's are my two favorite hamburger chains.

The Times reported:
Will the California resistance have the stomach to do without its Double-Doubles?

The head of the California Democratic Party this week called for a boycott of the popular West Coast fast-food chain In-N-Out after a public filing revealed that the company had donated $25,000 to the state’s Republican Party.

Party Chairman Eric Bauman in a tweet Wednesday linked to a story about the contribution, wrote, “Et tu In-N-Out?” with the hashtag #BoycottInNOut.

Other Twitter users also expressed their disappointment, announcing they will no longer patronize the restaurant.

“Looks like my family and I will be boycotting your restaurants from now on. You donate to the GOP, that means you stand with Trump and all his bigotry,” one Twitter user said.

Bauman didn’t return a call Thursday morning.

In-N-Out Burger responded:
In-N-Out Executive Vice President Arnie Wensinger said in a statement Thursday that the company “made equal contributions to both Democratic and Republican” political action committees in California in 2018.

“For years, In-N-Out Burger has supported lawmakers who, regardless of political affiliation, promote policies that strengthen California and allow us to continue operating with the values of providing strong pay and great benefits for our associates,” Wensinger said. “We have been fortunate to do business in this great state for almost 70 years. While it is unfortunate that our contributions to support both political parties in California has caused concern with some groups, we believe that bipartisan support is a fair and consistent approach that best serves the interests of our company and all of our customers.”

The stupidity of the Democrats seems to know no bounds. But then, we're talking about California, aren't we?

To read more, go here

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