Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Monsoon Storms

Above, yesterday's storm. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The monsoon storms here in Jamestown, New Mexico keep right on coming.

Yesterday, we had a mid-afternoon thunderstorm that gave us a downpour of rain and hail. But that was topped by today's thunderstorm that was directly overhead. The lightning was so intense that it seemed King Ghidorah was just right outside.

I was cutting strawberries in the kitchen when one lightning bolt seemed to hit right outside in the yard. It even gave off a smell. The rain seemed to come down in buckets.

I was checking the Weather Channel's website this evening and it looks like we're in for more thunderstorms early in the morning. So I may not get much sleep if they are anything like today's storm.

Since New Mexico has been in a drought this year, the water is very much welcome. 

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