Friday, August 24, 2018

The Spring Is Back

Above, just before I was discharged from the hospital.

Ever since my July 27 heart attack, I have been very careful about what I am eating. Grocery shopping has become even more of a chore as I read all nutritional listings on the food labels.

I am especially conscious about watching for cholesterol, sodium, calories and other things that might be detrimental. I have not had any beef since July 27 and I have shed about five pounds since that day. My weight hasn't been this low since just after I graduated from California State University, Long Beach in 1979.

I have to confess that I was very tempted to go to Genaro's Mexican Restaurant in Gallup last night as I was craving Mexican food something fierce. I was getting tired of chicken and fish. But common sense and caution overruled me as I opted instead for a turkey breast sandwich on 9-grain wheat bread at the Subway in the Flying J. It saddened me to have to say "no cheese" when I was asked. I added, "doctor's orders." The only dressing in the sandwich was light mayonnaise.

As for beef, I will eventually have some, but it won't be a regular part of my diet. Just once in a while. I might barbecue a t-bone steak next week as a treat to myself.

It will be a month in three more days since the heart attack and am now feeling normal with the "spring back in my step". For a couple of weeks (or so) I was feeling hesitant and had some trepidation about doing anything. Those feelings are now gone. Still, I am reminded of what happened by all the medications I've been taking and the Life Alert gizmo I am wearing. I don't have to see the cardiologist until November.

I got word the other day that I now have medical coverage in New Mexico, which includes prescriptions. This will be a big help financially as just one medication I have to take (Brilinta) costs around $400 alone.

As a friendly reminder, I posted a blog earlier this month on the warning signs of a heart attack by the American Heart Association. The link to it is here.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Armand. So glad to see you are on the mend. Sierra would miss you if you weren't around. Continued good health
