Monday, August 27, 2018

Typhoon Warning In Japan Mistaken By Tourists As Godzilla Alert

Above, the Godzilla slide in Yokosuka. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Suppose you are vacationing or on a business trip in Japan and a storm warning goes off on your cell phone. Naturally, being a foreigner who does not understand Japanese, you wonder what's the warning is for.

Some visitors in Japan recently received a typhoon warning on their phones and they mistakenly thought the warning was for an impending attack by Godzilla. Seriously!

According to Social News Daily:
This was the case according to Japanese Twitter user @Znplus2. According to the Japanese person, a group of Italian tourists was aboard a passenger train when all their phones started ringing and buzzing. Of course, the Italians could not understand anything and one of them kept asking “Godzilla?!”

Afterward, the Italians realized that no Japanese on the train was panicking, meaning it was probably just one of Godzilla’s enemies— er, a storm. Specifically the typhoons Soulik and Cimaron. Still, the Italians had a good laugh, along with the rest of the Japanese on the train who also found the foreign bewilderment hilarious.

To read the full story, go here

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