Monday, August 6, 2018

Yellowstone Bison Harasser Arrested

Sadly, these kinds of stories are becoming all too common these days.

Above, a Yellowstone bison relaxing on a slope. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

An Oregon nut job was caught on video harassing a Yellowstone National Park bison earlier this week. The video went viral. It would have served him right if the bison gored him.

The idiot didn't stop there and now it has been reported that he's been arrested at Glacier National Park.

Fox News reported:
An Oregon man was arrested Thursday night after getting caught on video earlier this week “harassing a bison” in Yellowstone National Park, officials announced. 
Raymond Reinke, 55, who was journeying across multiple U.S. parks throughout the week, was taken into custody by Glacier National Park officials, a news release from Yellowstone officials said. 
“We appreciate the collaboration of our fellow rangers in Glacier and Grand Teton national parks on this arrest. Harassing wildlife is illegal in any national park,” Yellowstone National Park Superintendent Dan Wenk said.

Since late July, Reinke was arrested multiple times, officials noted in the release. On July 28, law enforcement rangers at Grand Teton National Park took Reinke into custody “for a drunk and disorderly conduct incident,” after which he was booked in jail overnight.

To read more, go here

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