Sunday, September 9, 2018

A First-Timers Guide To Tokyo

Above, nighttime shoppers in Ginza. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

This blog has been in operation for ten years and I have used it to provide information on Japan for those who have a big desire to pay it a visit.

Naturally, the main gateway into the Land of the Rising Sun is the nation's capital, Tokyo. It is such a big and varied city that even in ten years of blogging about it, I probably hardly scratched the surface.

The Advertiser out of Australia has a good article on Tokyo for the first-time visitor and I heartily recommend giving it a good read.

It begins with:
Flights descending past Mount Fuji’s snow-capped peak, illuminated by an oversized crimson sunset, offer just enough Japanese iconography to make the first-time visitor to Tokyo irrepressibly giddy, but the jolt of landing can be utterly destabilising. 
There’s much to be said for preparation before a trip to a city so densely packed with new experiences, sights and sounds. Gaining a little local knowledge before being swept up in the perpetual motion of this intense megalopolis will make everything so much easier.

To read the full article, go here

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