Saturday, September 1, 2018

Back At It Again

Above, yours truly with James in the background this morning. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After an all-night thunderstorm, we were back at it again with out little coyote hunt.

It was pretty wet out when we headed to our "sniper's nest" behind my property. Our chairs were a bit damp (mine wasn't too bad as I had it in its bag). But we settled in with plenty of coffee to sustain us.

Above, this morning's view. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

This morning, we didn't hear any coyote howls and we didn't see any either. We had an electronic pretator call gizmo, but it didn't attract any coyotes. I did spot some movement about 250 yards away, but it turned out to be a large rabbit.

After about an hour and a half we gave up and packed everything away. We might try again tonight, weather permitting. We are expected to have a rainy monsoon weekend so it is doubtful we will be out tonight.

Even though we haven't been successful, it is still fun to be outdoors and getting to know one's neighbors. I know more of my neighbors here than I did in Tarzana. While on the lookout, I am learning more about the area and its past history.

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