Thursday, September 13, 2018

Dove Self Esteem Project

Do you know anyone who has a young lady who may be struggling with self-esteem issues brought on by social media, making her feel she isn't meeting the "standards" of other women/girls who post their updates on-line? Dove's new public information video may be ideal for them.

I reviewed it and it is very worthwhile to spread its message, it begins with:

Help make every girl a #ConfidentGirl
Over half of young girls worldwide don’t feel confident about the way they look – so we know that when they say ‘I’m fine’, it might not always be true. Through the Dove Self Esteem Project, we want young people to learn how to be confident, inside and out. 
This year we are partnering with Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe to co-create six short animated films designed to educate kids on body confidence and self-esteem. 
Download our resources now and spend an hour with a young person in your life.

 To read more and view the video, go here.

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