Friday, September 21, 2018

Free Tokyo Walking Tours

Above, one interesting tour is a nighttime tour that will take visitors to Godzilla Road in Shinjuku. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

People wanting to save money or younger people who may not have a lot of money can still get enjoyment out of a tour of Japan's capital, Tokyo. 

Because...these tours of Tokyo are FREE!

What's the catch? They're walking tours.

According to Tokyo Cheapo:
Walking tours are a good way to meet new people and explore Tokyo. Also, unlike bus tours, Tokyo walking tours tend to be smaller, which means that the guide can better focus on his/her guests and you’re not as pressed for time. It’s also more likely for you to get glimpses of everyday Japanese life when on a walking tour. 
In no particular order, here are some groups that organize free Tokyo walking tours for fellow cheapos—note, though, that you’ll still have to pay for admission whenever necessary, and that if you’ll be eating, it’s considered polite to treat your guide to a meal.

To learn more, go here

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