Thursday, September 6, 2018

GOCO Beast Barn Test

Above, The Beast in its home. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Beast tried out its new "hangar" today.

It is almost a tight fit, but there's space to play with. I think the length of the garage is a little less than the 25' "leg length" I ordered. The Beast is 23' long. I probably should have gotten a foot or two more in length for the garage. I may not have taken into account the rear bumper or rear ladder, if they weren't within what Winnebago specified as length of the vehicle of 23'. But it fits with 5-6 inches to spare in back.

Above, the passenger side. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The sides were fine as I had room enough to walk down the length of the RV to the rear.

Above, the driver side. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I backed it in a little bit at a time and got out to check on how much room it had. I kept particular watch on the highest point on the RV, the roof air conditioner. It cleared the top of the door just fine as it is 11' high and the top of the door is 12' high. All went well.

Above, the back bumper. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The door closed without being near the front bumper, it has about 8" in clearance.

Above, the driver side looking towards the door. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

The Beast will be parked in it once the Mustang's door is replaced, which should be done in the next week or two.

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