Friday, September 7, 2018

Happy Birthday, XSNGH Glenn Thornhill!

Above, yours truly and Glenn Thornhill at the Hart monument in 1984.

Happy Birthday to XSNGH, XNGH Glenn "Cowpie" Thornhill!

Above, Armand and Glenn with Steve Born at Tapo Canyon in 1988.

One may wonder how he became to be known (at least around here) as "Cowpie".

Here's the story: 

Back in the 1980s (I think it was either 1985 or 1986), we had a clamp-out at Vail Ranch with Platrix No. 2, ECV. One morning, I started up a campfire. Nearby, were piles of cowpies (cow dung, for those of you who are city slickers). It was hard to avoid them as they were all over. This is only natural as we were camped in a cow pasture on a ranch.

Above, at Vail Ranch.

I was sitting by the fire and Glenn came up and said something like, "Jeez, you had to make a campfire right next to a cowpie!" And he proceeded to kick it away. Although it looked dry on the surface. It wasn't. When he kicked it, it got all over his shoe. That was funny! It was even funnier seeing him jumping around trying to get it off his shoe (those were the days when we were still young enough to even jump around).

So that's how he became to be known as Glenn "Cowpie" Thornhill.

Above, Glenn addresses the Memorial Day celebration at Pioneer Cemetery in Sylmar in 2016. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I once drew a cartoon of this little episode. It is somewhere around here. I was hoping to find it to scan it and post it here. But no such luck.

Anyway, this is his day. So...

Happy Birthday, Glenn!

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