Monday, September 24, 2018


Above, Sierra at the front door staring at the stray cat. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

This evening, I was sitting outside enjoying the view when I noticed Sierra at the front door staring intently.

She was staring at one of the stray cats that I feed (there's also a Siamese I feed). He (I am assuming its a male) was sitting at the front gate staring back at Sierra. After a few minutes, he wandered off. I was also feeding a one-eared grey cat, but he disappeared around May.

Whenever I get food out for the strays, Sierra looks at me in puzzlement. I tell her that I'm feeding "the poor kitties".

Above, the stray at the gate. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

I then decided to take a little walk over to the second acre for a little after-dinner exercise. It looks like it may rain later as clouds are dark and gathering over the area. The last rain we had was a half-inch last week. The Weather Channel says around 15% chance on average.

Above, the stray in front of the front fence. He can barely be seen in this picture.  Photo by Armand Vaquer.

When I was heading back, I noticed the stray sitting in front of the front fence. He won't let me approach him, but he didn't run when I went past him by about 8 yards. After I entered the gate. He came back the near the gate and flopped down.

Above, the stray relaxing a few feet from the gate after I came back. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

After a while, He got up and headed over into the neighbor's yard. His tail was straight up, meaning he was happy. He should be, he ate a big meal. I've never noticed strays walking with their tails straight up before.

It is starting to get cooler here at night. 

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