Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Life Alert Test Successful

Above, the Life Alert Console I keep in the laundry room. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Since tomorrow will mark two months since my heart attack in Wells, Nevada, I was reminded to do my monthly test of the Life Alert system that I got afterwards.

I am pleased to report that all went well with the tests (I had to test three devices).

Since I live alone (except for Sierra), I felt it best that I get Life Alert just in case something happens. Fortunately, the local fire and paramedics are only blocks away.

Above, the Whispering Cedars fire station, it is only blocks away. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

My "honorary sister's" daughter Desire is a police officer (and ex-paramedic) and her mom told me, "Des swears by the Life Alerts.  She answered tons of calls on those and said they really save lives." Sounds like a big endorsement, eh?

To get more information on Life Alert and to sign up, go here.

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