Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Rush: Will Kavanaugh’s Accuser Show Up at the Hearing?

So Brett Kavanaugh's accuser is not going to appear Monday to testify and she demands that the FBI investigate her allegations before she would consent to do so.

Her attorney says she doesn't have to corroborate the charge. Of course she does! The burden of proof is on her and her client. The alleged charge, sexual assault that took place over 30 years ago by high schoolers is not something the FBI would even get involved in.

This is such a bogus delaying tactic by the Democrats. It stinks to high heaven. Some GOP senators are falling for it, which makes this even more outrageous.

Here's what El Rushbo had to say about this yesterday:
Okay. So after all this, Christine Blasey Ford is not gonna show up for the hearing? She hasn’t accepted the invitation to show up for the hearing — and yet they moved it? They rescheduled. It was supposed to be Thursday, the vote. They canceled the vote, they moved the vote — well, they delayed it — so that they could have this hearing with Christine Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh, and she hadn’t even accepted the invitation to show up, and now her lawyer is saying it’s not her job to corroborate her story
She’s not the one that has to corroborate her story? (summarized) “No, no, no, no! She’s making the allegation. So she doesn’t have to corroborate anything. It needs to be investigated.” This is no different than Harry Reid saying, “I have a friend that told me that Mitt Romney hasn’t paid his taxes in 10 years,” and the media says to Harry Reid, “What’s your evidence?” And Harry Reid says, “Don’t ask me! You need to go talk to Romney. Romney’s the guy hadn’t paid his taxes in 10 years.” 
And the media said, “Oh, yeah! Okay.” So they all ran off and start badgering Romney about why he hadn’t paid his taxes in 10 years. This is exactly what this is! 
This lawyer who, by the way… Katz is her name. She is a Democrat activist. She is plainly saying it’s not her job to corroborate her story. Her efforts, her legal efforts are funded by George Soros. There is no doubt what this is. We’ve been here before. How in the world can you say that the accuser doesn’t have to corroborate anything? “Debra Katz, the attorney for the woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, said that it is not her client’s job to corroborate her claims. 
“Katz said on CNN on Monday that investigators should be responsible for proving Christine Blasey Ford’s claim that Kavanaugh held her down and drunkenly groped her while at a party in high school.” So she can make this claim. She doesn’t have to prove it. She doesn’t have to have any evidence. The investigators have to track it down and prove it. But now the Democrats are saying, “Wait a minute. We shouldn’t be investigating this.” Like Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris said, “We shouldn’t be investigating this. The FBI should.” 
You know, this woman, Kamala Harris… These people are so dense. Does she not know the FBI does not investigate these kinds of crimes? The FBI does not investigate local crimes, high school drunken party crimes. The FBI doesn’t investigate those. But then again that’s not what this is about. This is about delaying everything so Kavanaugh does not get on the court and the Republicans are playing right along with this.

This is all a bunch of B.S.!

To read more, go here.

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